From Raw Material to Finished Feature



Then follow along as we provide an exclusive glimpse into the hallowed halls of our factory. These are the seven steps that each one of our features goes through before making its journey to a customer’s wakepark.


1. Preliminary Meeting

After the shape of a new feature has been finalized with our customer, the team riders and our development team, the first production step is a meeting with the production manager.

Using detailed renderings (feature drawings) and with the help of a 3D model, the new design is discussed. Based on these resources, production drawings are created for the manufacturing team.


Each feature goes through a meticulously planned production process in order to meet our high standards.

2. Production Meeting

It’s essential that our employees understand the plans thoroughly, because after all, they are the hidden heroes behind every UNIT feature. Before we get started, the production drawing is discussed with everyone involved to ensure that every step is clear. Only when there are no more questions is it time to head off to the materials warehouse.

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From Raw Material to Finished Feature

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