UNIT Park Crew is the service branch of our company. Whether it’s giving your wakepark a makeover or assisting with events, our expert team is at your side.

With words and deeds


A feature might start its life on a computer screen, but it sure doesn’t end there. We know the elbow grease it takes to bring a good park to life, and we’re ready to work side by side with you.

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Worth the extra effort


Creating fresh feature combinations from UNIT elements already present in the park is common practice in many places. We provide support in developing ideas and building new hacks. Ready to get started?

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Our favorite time of the year


Without a doubt: Many of the most defining events of the past decade were run on UNIT setups. We understand competitions holistically and are your competent partner in all aspects. We’ll show you why here.

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Who said you need
to keep a rail forever?

Ready to pass on a beloved feature to its next owner? The UNIT Marketplace allows you to do just that. Sellers can market their used features here, while buyers can shop for elements that fit their budget.


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