The concept behind this series is safety and fun for everyone. Thanks to the wide tables and flat angles, every wakeboarder can develop at their own pace—whether they’re landing in a transition for the first time or mastering the rail-to-rail transfer.
Rail 2 Rail Series
Rail 2 Rail Series

Rail 2 Rail Single

Rail 2 Rail Double

Rail 2 Rail Transition

“Whenever I see a rail-to-rail feature in a wakepark, I’m always reminded of that unforgettable night session at Munich Mash.”
– Maryh Rougier, UNIT Teamrider
Rail 2 Rail Single Low to High

Rail 2 Rail Single

Rail 2 Rail Single
Transition Curb Medium

Transition Curb Medium
Creating novel combinations that provide variety and excitement for every wakepark guest—that’s the goal of every hack.