Lander Series

Lander Series

Our Lander Series hits right in the notch of current park riding and brings landing on plastic to a wider audience. The six different versions, vary from an easy box to a tech Banana Rail, each end up onto a wide-open landing space.

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Up Rail Lander

Up Ledge Lander

Banana Rail Lander

Soft landings, now
for all ability levels!

Your knees will thank you for these snowboard-like, soft landings.

Banana Ledge Lander

Up Rail Lander


Up Rail Lander

Street Series Down Flat Rail


Street Series Down Flat Rail

Already have a Street Series feature? Then check out what an awesome hack you could build with a Lander Series feature on top.


Find the offer that’s right for you

Price List 2023

Ready for the next step? Our price list (PDF) includes all information about each product series, as well as plenty of additional knowledge.

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Lander Series

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