The West Rock Custom Success Story

Customer Stories Interviews


Together with our customers, we develop individual features on request. In the process, the customer contributes their ideas and we contribute our years of know-how in feature construction. The end result is a new part that is always something very special.

In the case of the West Rock Customs, there are now five individual features to choose from. We talked to Daniel Jarrett, the owner of the wakepark on the west side of Chicago.


How did you come up with the idea for a custom rail?

I wanted to have that snowboard slopestyle feel on the water, and have a versatile park that we could change up. As a park owner you only get one chance to make a first impression, and I didn’t want to take our initial investment and make the wrong decision. David from UNIT was super patient and helpful the whole time. I dreamed up the idea after seeing Danny Davis’ Peace Park, where there was a pump track section at the beginning. So I wanted rainbows, unbows, a mix of rails and boxes — essentially creating that pump track on the water. I wanted them to cover every skill level and have all the features be interchangeable.

Blake Bishop during one of the first sessions on the Custom at West Rock Wake Park, before a full-size cable was installed

The Custom also calls 313 Cable Park in Lithuania home. Felix Georgii clears it in his unmistakable way.

That sounds awesome!

Everything really started there. We talked and talked, David started designing it, and it came out better than I could have imagined. We already had the down rail and the pump track, and then he added a third piece. Now you could connect all three of them in different ways, and it was just amazing. He absolutely crushed the design.


Does it make you proud that your feature is now making its way to parks all over the world?

Yes, it does. It’s neat to see our name on it. I think a lot of people saw the name and didn’t even know what it meant or where the inspiration came from. But I think they do now. It’s good to see our feature at places like 313 Cable Park in Lithuania. I can’t wait to visit the park there, since it is such an incredible complex. It would be awesome to take a trip there and ride our rail in a different lake.

Since all three of the original West Rock Customs included challenging takeoffs that demanded a clean ollie, we developed two additional elements. These include smoother takeoffs, opening up these features to riders who aren’t quite ready for the big ollie on.

See the Custom Series

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