Victress Series

Victress Series

The new Victress Series is proof of how far women’s wakeboarding has come. Whether it’s Anna’s technical skills, Maryh’s fearlessness, Anne’s snowboard influence or Claudia’s sent-it mentality, these features embody the styles of the world’s best riders.

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Anna Nikstad Two

Maryh Rougier Two

Anne Freyer Two

Not just
for girls

Who said anything about a weaker sex? These ladies bring so much heat that you’ll need air conditioning to cool back down.

Claudia Pagnini

Street Series Low to High Ledge


Street Series Low to High Ledge

Claudia Pagnini


Claudia Pagnini

Both features are already sensational to ride, but when you put them together, something totally new takes form. Creativity is always rewarded!


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Price List 2023

Ready for the next step? Our price list (PDF) includes all information about each product series, as well as plenty of additional knowledge.

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Victress Series

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